Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

16 / Hedonia! Reactionary Nihilism! Floss Your Teeth! (The Grandest ADG Yet!)

This is the grandest ADG yet! Two newcomers, a former educator in GOP-controlled Texas and a nurse in Alberta, Canada, join Patrick, Forrest, Bill, Colin, and previous guest Jonathan DeJong, for a compelling and expansive discussion on the ongoing social collapse of the United States. From the full-fledged emergence of a far-right theocracy seizing absolute power in the coming years, to the unrelenting stream of mass shootings and visible signs of institutional decay, this episode is an excavation, of sorts — an unearthing of the roots of the crisis, and what a path through it may look like.

Episode Notes:

Intro song by Jordan Thornquest

17 / The Queen Is Dead, But Pickleball Is Forever (Shoutout To Rod Washington)

15 / Where Will You Be When The Proverbial Sh*t Hits The Fan? (w/ Alley Valkyrie)