Attack + Dethrone Godcast

Attack + Dethrone GodCast was a podcast that ran from late-2020 to mid-2024. The project was produced by Patrick Farnsworth, and at various points of its run, co-hosted by Michael J. Sliwa, Jeff Cole, Forrest Palmer, Colin Boyd-Bigby, and Bill Schmidt, and featured numerous guests.

The podcast was originally surmised as such:

This podcast is an ongoing discussion between co-hosts Forrest, Mike, Patrick, and guests, about rising fascism, late-stage capitalism, anthropogenic climate disruption, and ecological collapse. But, don't take us too seriously, as we're just a bunch of dudes reacting to and thinking in real time about the absurdity of the times we are in. What the hell else can we do as the Empire collapses in on itself? We laugh, share our thoughts, and call out bullshit when we see it.

This page collects all 19 episodes that were produced and released.