Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

8 / Attack n' Dethrone Dog-cast: Cancel [Cult]ure Wars Edition (thanks for bein' a friend)

ADG returns. Forrest discusses his recent travails, including his experience of the widespread power outages in Texas several weeks ago, and the contrarianism of so-called "leftists" since the pandemic began last year. We also admit how damn sappy we all are, and express our love of our animal friends, and reflect on how the loss of pets is one of the hardest things to bear in life.

From there, we address "cancel culture," both in the overly-simplistic variety we see in popular culture today, and the more complex and nuanced view we present in this discussion, including the decision Patrick has made to deplatform several individuals from Last Born In The Wilderness.

Episode Notes:

Songs featured are "A Friend" by KRS-One and The Golden Girls theme song

Graphic design by Jeff C.

Intro song by Jordan Thornquest

9 / Last Van In The Wilderness: The Precarious Narrative Of Nomadland & Building The Cult Of ADG

7 / GO Z*CK YOURSELF, ZUCK! ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮(Rest in piss, Rush) w/ Kenn Orphan