Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

9 / Last Van In The Wilderness: The Precarious Narrative Of Nomadland & Building The Cult Of ADG

We return to discuss the Academy Award-winning film Nomadland, directed by ⁠Chloé Zhao⁠ and starring ⁠Frances McDormand⁠. We discuss the off-grid, nomadic life portrayed in the film and present some of our critiques of it -- what it lacks or altogether avoids to address throughout its narrative, displaying the precarity of contemporary life within the United States during an economic recession. Mike especially provides personal insights into the subject, as he lives in an intentional, somewhat off-grid community himself, and details the many things the film got right. We also then, jokingly, discuss our plans to form a cult with Mike at the helm, acknowledging how good he would look in an all-white suit leading our congregation of followers into the End of Days.

Episode Notes:

Graphic design by Jeff C.

Intro song by Jordan Thornquest

10 / California Ideology, The Randian Wet Dreams That Keep Us Up At Night, & A Crunk In Time (w/ Colin Boyd-Bigby)

8 / Attack n' Dethrone Dog-cast: Cancel [Cult]ure Wars Edition (thanks for bein' a friend)