Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

#172 | No Justice On Stolen Land: Uniting Indigenous Resistance & Anticapitalist Revolt w/ Gord Hill

#172 | No Justice On Stolen Land: Uniting Indigenous Resistance & Anticapitalist Revolt w/ Gord Hill

In this episode, I speak with Gord Hill (also known as Zig Zag) — Indigenous artist, activist, and the author of numerous books/graphic novels, including ‘500 Years of Indigenous Resistance,’ ‘The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book,’ ‘The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book,’ and 'The Antifa Comic Book.’ A major theme that runs through this discussion with Gord is the recognition that there is currently a growing intersection between what can be defined as traditionally Eurocentric Leftist political theory and practice with anti-colonial Indigenous resistance, throughout the so-called American continents, from North to South.

At the beginning of this discussion, I ask Gord to provide some examples of Indigenous resistance to colonialist expansion throughout the so-called Americas over the past 500 years, from the earliest forms of resistance in the earliest days of European colonial expansion, up to the present day. Gord, having one foot in indigenous resistance movements and the other in anarchist/anti-capitalist/anti-fascist organizing, provides much needed context on how radical Leftist theory and practice (for the most part, European in origin) increasingly works in tandem with anti-colonial Indigenous resistance movements. As Gord lays out in this episode, various strains of resistance — anti-colonial, ecological, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, egalitarian — stand to benefit from learning and working with each other -- and in great part, this is already happening. We also discuss that while different, each of these respective strains of resistance utilize a similar diversity of tactics in resistance to the State, the logic of Capital, and the Settler-Colonial culture that dominates the land up to the present moment. We discuss these subjects, and more, in this episode.

Gord Hill, who also goes under the pen name Zig Zag, is a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw nation along the Northwest Coast. Gord is an indigenous activist, anarchist, and artist, and is the author and illustrator of numerous books/graphic novels, including ‘500 Years of Indigenous Resistance,’ ‘The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book,’ ‘The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book,’ and ‘The Antifa Comic Book.’

Episode Notes:

- Stay up to date with indigenous, anti-capitalist, and anti-fascist resistance -- as well as all the work Gord is doing -- on his website:

- Purchase ‘500 Years of Indigenous Resistance’ at PM Press:

- Purchase ‘The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book,’ ‘The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book,’ and ‘The Antifa Comic Book.’ at Arsenal Pulp Press:

- Read Gord’s interview on anti-fascism in Time:

- The songs featured in this episode are “Sila (feat. Tanya Tagaq)” and “JHD (feat. Junior Ottawa)” by A Tribe Called Red from the album We Are the Halluci Nation.

#173 | Medicine For All: Open-Source DIY Pharmaceutical Production For The Masses w/ Michael Laufer

#173 | Medicine For All: Open-Source DIY Pharmaceutical Production For The Masses w/ Michael Laufer

171 / The End Of Ice: Bearing Witness In The Path Of Climate Disruption / Dahr Jamail

171 / The End Of Ice: Bearing Witness In The Path Of Climate Disruption / Dahr Jamail