Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

No Pasarán!: Inroads To Power & Antifascist Community Making / Shane Burley

No Pasarán!: Inroads To Power & Antifascist Community Making / Shane Burley

Author and journalist Shane Burley returns to the podcast to discuss the anthology No Pasaran: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis, published this fall through AK Press. Burley is the editor and a contributor to this collection.

In catching up since our last interview, I ask Shane to clarify where the far-right stands in a "post-Trump" context. What inroads have far-right, and explicitly fascist, ideologues made in political discourse and policy in the United States over the past two years? How coherent is the far-right agenda and who are their targets? What are the paths to power? And most importantly, how can various subcultural spaces, as well as rural and urban communities, each build effective resistances to this threat? No Pasaran, with its broad collection of voices, provides some of the most comprehensive answers to these questions.


Shane Burley is the author of Why We Fight and Fascism Today. His work has been featured in places such as NBC News, Al Jazeera, The Baffler, Jewish Currents, Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, and Haaretz. Burley lives in Portland, OR.

Episode Notes:

Purchase a copy of No Pasaran from AK Press or from Bookshop.

Follow Shane’s work and upcoming events.

The music featured is by Eli Stonemets.

Chaos in Brasília: Why The Bolsonaristas Can’t Quit, Won’t Quit / Brian Mier

Chaos in Brasília: Why The Bolsonaristas Can’t Quit, Won’t Quit / Brian Mier

All Cops Are Monsters: The Horror Of Police / Travis Linnemann

All Cops Are Monsters: The Horror Of Police / Travis Linnemann