Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

#196 | We're Doomed!: Of Our Elaborate Plans, The End w/ Michael Sliwa & [RS]

#196 | We're Doomed!: Of Our Elaborate Plans, The End w/ Michael Sliwa & [RS]

INTRO: 8:48 | OUTRO: 1:26:31

In this episode, I speak with Michael Sliwa and [RS]. [RS] is the host of [MF] on the Progressive Radio Network, and Michael is the former co-host of Nature Bats Last and the author of 'Chasing A Different Carrot: A Manifesto For The Predicament Of Privilege,’ and in this lively discussion between the three of us we examine the overwhelm many are feeling in trying to navigate through our times of overlapping social, economic, ecological, and political complexities.

I feel incredibly fortunate to have had this discussion with these two men, and to share it with you all. As more and more people become increasingly aware of the converging crises we face on this planet — whether that be of global ecological collapse, intensifying climate disruption, escalating social and political fragmentation, rising authoritarianism (in the United States and abroad), and the looming possibility of war breaking out between the United States and other global players (Iran, Venezuela, China, etc) — to anticipate a way out of this seems more unrealistic by the day. Whatever stability that we, the privileged global minority in the industrialized or “developed” world, have experienced up to the present moment continues to fracture. Understandably, we seek support and meaning in these times, and we look to other like-minded individuals to make us feel a little less insane for experiencing grief, anxiety, and despair in response to these crises. This discussion with Mike and [RS], in part, focuses on the flaws, as well as the overwhelmingly positive attributes, of the various groups and communities that have formed in response to the challenge of finding the others. We discuss these subjects, and much more, in this episode. 

Michael Sliwa is a former co-host of Nature Bats Last on PRN, is the author of 'Chasing A Different Carrot: A Manifesto For The Predicament Of Privilege.'

Episode Notes:

- In this episode we give a special shoutout to Wendy Bandurski, an admin for the Near Term Human Extinction LOVE Facebook group. Learn more:

- Learn more about Mike’s work:

- The song featured in this episode is “The End” by The Doors from their self-titled album.

#197 | All That Is Sacred Is Profaned: Marxism, Paganism, & History As Process w/ Rhyd Wildermuth

#195 | Mind Control: Psychedelics, Conspiracy, & Truth In The Post-Truth Era w/ Robert Forte