All tagged Religion

Anarcha-Islam: To Struggle Against Our Inner Fascisms / Mohamed Abdou

Dr. Mohamed Abdou joins me to discuss Islam and Anarchism: Relationships and Resonances, published this year by Pluto Press.

What are the relationships and resonances between anarchism and Islam? Anarchism, through its Western manifestation, claims "no gods, no masters" as fundamental to anti-authoritarianism, both in theory and practice. Through that lens, what "relationships and resonances" then exist between anarchism and a religious and spiritual system such as Islam? And, ultimately, what can self-identified anarchists in predominately non-Muslim majority Western nations, and practitioners of Islam the world-over, learn from one another?

Suppressed Histories: Uncovering + Reclaiming What Has Been Lost / Max Dashu

I speak with Max Dashu, founder of the Suppressed Histories Archive, and author of Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, 700–1100. In this interview, Max draws on a lifetime of historical research, documenting and interpreting the art and artifacts of ancient cultures from around the world.

Max elaborates on what can be understood about ancient mother-right cultures and the worldview these ancient peoples may have held, as well as the important and necessary roles women fulfilled in these ancient societies. Max also expounds on the kinds of knowledge and traditions of wisdom (passed on through women) that have been suppressed and largely lost in our collective transition to modernity. By developing an understanding of the forms of knowledge and wisdom that have been lost in the long-unfolding suppression of ancient traditions, what can we ultimately understand about our modern mode of existence on this planet? 

The Psychedelic Gospels: The Forgotten Roots Of Christianity / Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown is the co-author of The Psychedelic Gospels: The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity. He and his wife and co-author Julie Brown began their journey into the psychedelic history of early Christianity after noticing telling depictions of psychedelic mushrooms on display in the frescoes and architecture of the many chapels and cathedrals that exist across Europe.