Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

#93 | Accidental Anarchist: Syria, Intervention, & Catalonian Independence w/ Carne Ross

#93 | Accidental Anarchist: Syria, Intervention, & Catalonian Independence w/ Carne Ross

Carne Ross is a former British diplomat, Middle East and WMD expert, who resigned in 2004 after giving what was then secret information to a British inquiry into the Iraq War. Carne became acutely aware that the information being presented to the public leading up to the Iraq War was misleading and false. After he left his position as a diplomat, he founded the world's first non-profit diplomatic advisory group, Independent Diplomat, which advises democratic countries and movements around the world. 

This year, Carne was featured in the documentary Accidental Anarchist, a film that follows Carne's path from British diplomat to an advocate for Anarchism. This film follows Carne's journey to find and eventually witness anarchist principles in action during the Occupy movement, the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930s in Catalonia, as well as contemporarily by the Kurds in Rojava. Rojava is a region in northern Syria, that during the chaotic Syrian civil war was able and continues to practice anarchism effectively while simultaneously fighting off the Islamic State as well as maintain autonomy in that region.

In this conversation, Carne and I briefly discuss his path toward Anarchism, the complexity of the Syrian Civil War and the ethics surrounding intervention in that conflict, as well as the recent referendum in Catalonia to secede from Spain and become an independently governed nation, and what this means for the future of the nation state in the 21st century.

Episode Notes:

- Find out more about Carne's work at his website

- Carne's non-profit Independent Diplomat:

- Learn more about the documentary Accidental Anarchist:

- Follow Carne Ross on Twitter:

- The music featured in this episode: "Track 3" and "Track 11" by Ras G from the album My Kinda Blues.

#95 | Our Humanity In Times Of Peril: War, Community, & Revisiting Trauma w/ Samra Culum

#95 | Our Humanity In Times Of Peril: War, Community, & Revisiting Trauma w/ Samra Culum

#92 | Spread Mind: Expanding Our View Of Consciousness w/ Riccardo Manzotti

#92 | Spread Mind: Expanding Our View Of Consciousness w/ Riccardo Manzotti