All in Four Arrows

Kinship Worldview: Precepts For Rebalancing Life On Earth / Darcia Narvaez + Four Arrows

Darcia Narvaez and Four Arrows join me to discuss their recently published book Restoring the Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Voices Introduce 28 Precepts for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth, a work that contains "selected speeches from Indigenous leaders around the world—necessary wisdom for our times, nourishment for our collective, and a path away from extinction toward a sustainable, interconnected future."

As I comment in the beginning of this discussion, reading this book has been a necessary balm to the various subjects I've explored on the podcast of late. This work has reminded me that our civilization's capacity for mass violence, systemic oppression, exploitation, and the destruction of life-systems of the earth is not representative of human nature, nor the human condition, as a whole. The dominant worldview that pervades all facets of modern, industrial human life is the outcome of centuries, if not millennia, of bad habits and intergenerational trauma. The kinship worldview, highlighted in this book and in this interview, has been a defining feature of indigenous cultures the world over, for "ninety-nine percent of human history," as Professor Narvaez states in her work. The question of how to return to this way of knowing and being, and how to apply it in light of the most pressing crises dominating our time, is of utmost importance.