Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

#76 | Great Dying: Deforestation, Species Extinction, and Localized Conservation w/ Stuart Pimm

#76 | Great Dying: Deforestation, Species Extinction, and Localized Conservation w/ Stuart Pimm

Stuart Pimm, our guest for this episode, is Doris Duke Professor of Conservation Ecology at Duke University, and is a world leader in the study of present day extinctions and what can be done to prevent them. His research covers the reasons why species become extinct, how fast they do so, the global patterns of habitat loss and species extinction, and the management consequences of this research. 

His commitment to the interface between science and policy has lead to his testimony to both House and Senate Committees on the re-authorization of the Endangered Species Act. He has worked and taught in Africa for nearly 20 years on elephants, and most recently lions — through National Geographic’s Big Cats Initiative — but always on topics that relate to the conservation of wildlife and the ecosystems on which they depend. 
Other research areas include the Everglades of Florida and the tropical forests in South America, especially the Atlantic Coast forest of Brazil and the northern Andes — two of the world's "hotspots" for threatened species.

Episode Notes:

- Learn more about Stuart and his work at his Duke University faculty page:

- The Pimm Group and its resources can be accessed here:

- To learn more and contribute to localized conservation efforts, go to

- The opening and closing track of nature sounds can be found here:

#77 | Freshocal: Connecting Local Food Production & Community w/ Spencer Mallett

#77 | Freshocal: Connecting Local Food Production & Community w/ Spencer Mallett

#75 | Rhyd Wildermuth: Leaving America, Reclaiming Paganism, & Facing Collapse

#75 | Rhyd Wildermuth: Leaving America, Reclaiming Paganism, & Facing Collapse